The Jesus V. del Rosario Foundation Inc. (JVRF) serves as the social arm of the Jdel Group of Companies.
Founded in 1984 as a private, non-stock, non-profit organization, JVRF strives to become a partner in prosperity building of various units of Philippine society, especially the poor and underprivileged sectors in hopes to help them become self-reliant, socially responsible and productive members of society.
Our Values
We recognize our responsibilities to our country which is still underdeveloped. We must devote ourselves to the further development of the Philippines by providing our stakeholders we serve with quality programs and services / through our nationwide partners and by creating more job opportunities.
To attain this objective, we dedicate ourselves to progress, to personal growth and development and to become a model organization.
To become a progressive organization, it is our responsibility to provide high standards of service for the best interest of our stakeholders. Through these efforts, therefore, we hope to contribute to the upliftment of the service standards of our industry and ultimately do our part in the task of nation-building.
General Creed
Our contribution to the progress and development of our country can be realized only through unity and cooperation of each and every member of the organization. In this generation, a progressive entity automatically becomes a social organization. It must reconcile our existence and efforts with service to the nation. For this reason, all of us must keep this principle constantly in our minds as we devote ourselves to the welfare of our organization and of the Philippines.
Alone, we are weak, together, we are strong. We shall work together as a family in mutual trust and confidence. We must be human to understand the problems of others. The more skilled and capable shall guide the apprentice, so that through this unity and understanding, we cannot fail.
We shall work together in harmony with the spirit of cooperation. We shall be fair and just to all. For without maturity and understanding, we shall exist in the future, confused and without direction.
If we are to be respected, we must respect the rights and ways of others. Also, be cordial and modest. Let us praise and encourage freely and in every opportunity, give comfort and understanding.
It will be our policy not to dominate the individual, but rather to encourage trust and self-confidence. And he must feel that through his own efforts, he has gained self-respect and satisfaction. Through this policy, the individual will feel his contribution to the true spirit of our daily creed and to the foundation of our main objective.
To become a progressive organization, it is our responsibility to provide high standards of service for the best interest of our stakeholders. Through these efforts, therefore, we hope to contribute to the upliftment of the service standards of our industry and ultimately do our part in the task of nation-building.
The development of the Philippines must be within the international standards of progress. / But progress cannot be achieved unless we maintain flexibility to adapt with the times, / to the everchanging conditions prevailing around us.
First, we must be proud of our own self-respect & thankful for the freedom to enjoy our friendship with our fellowmen.
Second, we are thankful that through this peaceful association, we can gain knowledge, dedication and self-satisfaction.
Third, that through the spirit of self respect, we shall overcome all difficulties
Our stakeholders are the most important visitors in our premises. They are not dependent on us. We are dependent on them. They are not outsiders in our business. They are a part of it. We are not doing them a favor by serving them. They are doing us a favor by giving us the opportunity to do so.